Thursday, 8 October 2015

Bears First Birthday. Why No Cake Smash?

picture of baby dressed smart with shirt, bow tie, waistcoat and coordinating trousers

This post is a self-indulgence. I love photo's of Bear and talking about what he does. On Tuesday it was his first birthday. He had a party on Saturday and he had his first taste of cake. Bear didn't like it. He was sick 3 times and he had only eaten a little bit. He really loved eating the blueberries.
I'm not sure when or why a cake smash became part of a babies first birthday. Admittedly it is a great photo opportunity. Bears parents had planned to make a cake and have a cake smash but he didn't like his first taste of cake and it made him sick. It now seemed a bit pointless to do something that he would not enjoy on his birthday and they wanted his birthday to be special. They decided to take him out for the day instead, which he loved.

birthday cake, Victoria sponge, blueberries and blackberries & candles spelling happy birthday and 1
The cake was home-made by his mummy and was truly delicious. 

baby eating cake sat in high chair
Bears first taste of cake.

Bear didn't like cake so the cake smash for Tuesday was cancelled and instead his mummy and daddy took him to the Brecon Mountain Railway. He loved it. Before they went they popped in to see us and we opened a few presents with Bear. He hasn't quite got the hang of tearing the paper off so we all helped.

baby sat on floor with presents

baby with present

baby with presents

baby sat on floor with presents

baby sat on floor with presents

Steam train
Brecon Mountain Railway Steam Train

baby with lips puckered inside carriage
Choo! Choo!
*Most of the pictures are mine, some I stole from his mummy.

Did you have a cake smash for your little one? I would love to see the pictures. If not, I'd love to know why you made that decision.


  1. Happy belated First birthday Bear. I do not like the idea of a cake smash, waste of cake and a hell of a mess.

    1. It was quite funny really, we were looking forward to his first piece of cake, or anything sweet really and he hated it! Just ate the blueberries, which he loves and then was sick! So I'm glad he didn't have a cake smash, I agree it is a waste.


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