Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Happy Birthday To My Blog

Well it's just flown past! I can't believe I've been blogging for a year. Happy Birthday to my blog! I've learnt so much in the last year and here are some of the best bits

1. Bloggers are Great

I have met so many lovely people through blogging. Some I still have to meet in real life and some I have met many times. I am still amazed at how generous they are. As more and more people become bloggers you would think that doors would close silently and newbies would be left to flounder but not at all, they are helped and guided and coached. What a wonderful bunch you are.

2. Blogging is Hard

I really thought that blogging would be easy. Surely it's just writing anything you want, about anything at all, and hit publish? If only! Hours spent taking photo's then choosing the best, then editing them so they look a bit like I imagined them to be. Then naming them correctly with hyphens-in-between-the-words, adding alt text and captions and hours later I have a few pics on my blog. That's before I've even written a word.

3. Social Media is important

Without Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or Facebook I would be invisible. No-one would know about my blog and all the awesome stuff I write. So I have had to learn how to use them and much harder than that, to promote myself and my blog. Now I am happy twittering away to anyone who will listen and posting pictures of Bear. I know I should be Vlogging, youtubing and using facebook live, but one thing at a time. Maybe next year will see me dabbling in them too.

4. Stat's do don't Matter

I know what my DA and PA are, what my klout score and Alexa rank is. I know my Tots100 ranking (don't talk to me about that!! You can read what I think of that here). 

I have backlinks, external links and internal links. I have joined linky's and blog hops. I have heard of SEO, #FF and widgets. 

Stat's! Bane of my life. I blog because I want to leave a record of Bears early years. He spends a lot of time with Grandad and me and when he's older I want him to be able to see what we all got up to. 

So stats don't matter, but they do.

5. Being me

And finally, I have learnt to be me. Not someone else. There will always be better and more successful blogs but my blog is mine. I write about what interests me.

I am a blogger. I have survived my first year.

I would like to say a big Happy Birthday to my blog and a huge thankyou to you! Everyone that has read my ramblings, commented on my posts, retweeted my tweets, hearted my insta pic's, liked my pins and given me advice. 


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