Monday, 11 July 2016

Our Week Of Plays

This week has been so busy it's been a week of plays. Visits to playgrounds, watching Wales play football, seeing a play at Cardiff Open Air Theatre Festival and playing with friends.



It wasn't planned to be so busy but we started the week with a trip to our favourite playground, then visited Garwnant, a fabulous visitor centre at the foot of the Brecon Beacons. Then Grandad and I went to see an open air production of 'Allo 'Allo and finally on Friday a few bloggers with their little ones met up in Cardiff for coffee.

Monday was the 4th July but we hadn't any celebrations planned. No parties or fireworks or parades. Of course not, we're in Wales not USA. We did have something to celebrate though. Wales had reached the Euro's for the first time in 58 years and had got as far as the semi-finals. Even the most pessimistic had a little wish and fingers crossed that they would reach the final. Alas they lost to Portugal on Wednesday but as a Nation we are proud of them and their fans and now are looking towards the World Cup in two years time.

Bear practising football. Maybe he'll be a goalie.

Tuesday we visited Garwnant. It is just a few miles outside Merthyr Tydfil on the A470. There are trails and magnificent views. Bear loved it. We just love places where he is free to wander and run about without us always being within inches or holding his hand.

Bear loves sticks and carried this one for ages.

He loved the swing at Garwnant

Thursday we spent in the garden and in the evening Grandad and I went to see the Everyman production of 'Allo 'Allo. It was open air theatre so although we were all snug under cover if it rained the actors would get soaked. I really hope the weather stays fine as it was a brilliant night out, funny and very professional.

'Allo 'Allo at Sophia Gardens, Cardiff

On Fridays there are a lot of toddler events in Cardiff. It's a day I do not have Bear so usually I do not go to any but this week a few bloggers decided to get together for a coffee. We met at The Cardiff Story Museum where once a month they have a toddler event with messy play, story telling, singing and more. I joined Bear and his Mummy (Pixiedoes), Jess (Mrs Helicopter Writes) and Laura  (Sidestreet Style). It was a great morning and definitely worth visiting as there is so much to do and it wasn't too busy. Bear was very tired so we left town early. The Wales football team were having a homecoming and the streets were closing and buses diverted and we wanted to get home before it started.

Having fun in the kitchen

There are school uniforms for dressing up, Bear loved the cap.

Whats new this week?

Bear decided to join in with the songs at Tot's group this week and he knew so many words and actions. I think he has been silently watching

He is starting to count. He has known one for ages and now knows two.

We've had a busy week, we just hope the sun shines next week so we can get out and about.

Did you see the Wales football team parade in Cardiff? 




  1. Full on week! Can't believe you saw 'Allo 'Allo! So funny! Lush to see you! Xxxx

    1. Great to see you too and 'Allo 'Allo was so funny, a good evening out


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