Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Christmas Made Easy - Newsletter Number One


Christmas Made Easy - Newsletter Number One

If you haven't signed up to my Christmas Made Easy newsletter here is what you are missing!

I won't be sending emails every week, just when there's something that needs doing so you won't be overwhelmed, Christmas will just be spread across the year.


I hope you had a wonderful Christmas but now is the time to start planning next years celebrations. This is your to do list for January but firstly make sure you hit the sales before everything is sold out.

1. Things to buy this week while they are discounted in the stores;
  • Wrapping paper
  • Christmas Cards
  • Napkins
  • Christmas crackers
  • Decorations
  • Replace broken lights and trees

2. Christmas Cards;

Put all the Christmas cards with addresses in a pile and when you have a few minutes add them to your address book - don't tell me you don't have an address book!! Add it to the list above.

3. Make a note on the computer or in a book. (If in a book and you don't have one add it to your list above) you'll need this later in the year.

A list of the food and drink you ran out of and everyone loved

A list of all the food that you didn't touch/threw out or hated

A list of all the stuff you wish you had bought 

4. Open a dedicated savings account

Christmas is expensive. It is estimated that in 2016 people spent over £1000 on it. That would mean saving over £80 per month. Not many of us can afford that so start saving now to spread the cost. Decide what you can afford (even £20 a month will give you £220 by November).
Set up a direct debit or you will forget. Maybe have a penny jar? Put your loose change into it, it will mount up over the year. DO NOT TOUCH! it's for Christmas.

5. Set up a photo album called Xmas 2018

You need this to store photos of everything you buy or make in advance. By November you will have forgotten that perfect bargain you bagged in January.

Your Xmas 2018 photo album can be anywhere that's easy for you to access. Below are some free ideas but beware that some have limits on space and may cost you if uploaded using your mobile data;

On your computer
Facebook (don't forget to change the settings to only you can see it)
iCloud (Apple users)
Amazon Cloud Drive (Apple and Android)
Google Photos

That's enough for January. Click on this link* for a simple, print friendly pdf version. I'll email with a very short reminder in a week or two; see how much you can tick off before then.

Happy planning

*this was only available to those who had signed up to the newsletter

This was a long newsletter as it's our first! They won't be as complicated as this again so don't despair just sign up here!

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1 comment

  1. What great ideas! I bought some wrapping paper in the sales. Go me! hehehe
    Taking photos of what you buy is genius! I always forget towards the end of the year what I bought in the beginning! Thank you :D x


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