Monday, 8 January 2018

Our Weekly Journal - A New Year and Welsh School


Our Weekly Journal - A New Year and Welsh School

This week was our last week with having Bear full time. He is so small and only three but in Wales all children over three are entitled to some free care. This can be either nursery or pre-school. Bear lives in Caerphilly which has some excellent schools that teach in the medium of Welsh. None of us speak Welsh so thought going to Welsh pre-school would give Bear some understanding of the language before he starts real school in two years time.

He will be going every morning from 9am until 11.30. Only a few hours a day but it does make us question if we are doing the right thing.

Bear doesn't have any children to play with outside of nursery or school, we have only grown up friends with grown up children. His parents recently moved so have no friends in the area and all his cousins live in Ireland or Hertfordshire. Too far for a play date!

This is the main reason for him going to pre-school or nursery. He loves playing with other children, he has been going to an English nursery one day a week where he has learnt so much, but that costs a lot of money and this is free. It's the Welsh we are concerned about, although I believe very strongly that it will be good for him, he does have problems with his speech and has been having speech therapy. We are just not sure if this will help or hinder.


I'm writing this on Sunday evening but when it is published it will be Monday, his first day. I will be texting his mummy lots to find out how he liked it.

It rained all week and was very, very cold. We took the Christmas tree down first and then just had to get out. We didn't go far just to two local parks. Roath Park with it's playground and lake and Cefn Onn with it's trees and waterfalls.



"What does Cefn Onn mean Nanny" Bear asks.

He is already aware that it's Welsh and wants to know it's meaning - although asking an English woman probably isn't the best approach

"I don't know" I reply as I look it up on my phone. It means rear; middle; back; reverse; ridge. The Rhumney ridgeway walk runs alongside the park so I guess it's that, ridge.

"Cefn means ridge, that's like a hill" "and Onn means Ash, that's a tree" but he's gone. Before I can finish he has got onto his bike and is away.


On Thursday we visited while his mummy had a driving lesson. Bee slept all the way through and Bear was a little poppet.


On Saturday they popped around so Daddy could fix my computer, he is a genius at all things tech and I am grateful for all the hours he spent as a teenager on his Spectrum.

Little Bee is now four months old and trying so hard to crawl. He can roll from his back to his front and by kicking crazily he can move and get toys that are out of reach. It will not be long before he can control all the movements and terrorise us all.


This week was also a super moon, as Bear arrived on Tuesday morning it was bright in the sky. I ran to get my phone to take a photo and it disappeared behind some clouds. This was the best I had as moments later it had set. It was wonderful to see, and so bright too.


Are your children bi-lingual? Any tips for us? Oh and if you speak Welsh say hello on twitter! I may need your help.



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