Monday, 7 March 2016

Easy Potato Stamps and Hand Painting

Potato stamps are so easy to make and great fun for children. Messy play was cancelled and I didn't want Bear to miss out so I thought we would do some painting. Last time we did painting he was very concerned about the paint on his hands so I thought we'd try potato stamps. This led wonderfully on to finger painting and then hand painting. Bear doesn't worry about paint on his hands now. He loves it.

Easy Potato Stamps 

1. Using a cookie cutter

Choose a potato the cutter will fit onto and is small enough for tiny hands.
Cut in half.
Push the cutter in about half an inch. With a sharp knife remove waste potato cutting against the cutter.
Remove the cutter and dry the potato on kitchen paper.

Easy Potato Stamps collage picture of potato and cutter, cutter in potato and final potato stamp
Potato Stamps are easy to make using a cookie cutter

2. Freehand

Again choose a potato and cut in half.
Draw a shape or just cut it out.
Dry on kitchen paper.

Easy Potato Stamps a star shape cut freehand on a potato
Cut a simple shape freehand

3. Using a template

Draw a very simple shape onto paper and cut out.
Place onto potato and cut away waste.
Dry on kitchen paper.

Easy Potato Stamps. half a potato with a template of a chick placed on top
Use a template to make a potato stamp

 4. Place your paints onto something flat. I used a baking tray as that is all I had.

Purple, yellow, orange and green paint on baking tray
Put dabs of paint on a flat surface

5. Load the stamp with paint and have fun

toddlers hand holding potato next to a sheet of paper with potato printing on it
Load the stamp with paint

toddlers hand holding potato pressing onto a sheet of paper with potato printing on it
Press onto paper, or rub it about a bit

Hand Painting

1. Get hand covered in paint.
2. Place hand on paper.
3. Repeat

toddlers finger rubbing paint onto paper
When bored of stamping use a finger

Toddler with hand in paint and finger on potato stamp
Or your hand

Toddler concentrating and holding hand up covered in murky brown paint
Make sure all the paints are mixed into a dirty sludge colour

Big smile on toddlers face speckled with splashes of paint
But mostly just have fun

I didn't do my usual diary entry this week as Bear had a tumble. He slipped in the bath and bit his tongue (right through! Ouch!). Mummy stayed home from work to look after him so I only had 2 days with Bear.
He's fine now. The painting photo's were taken after his accident. It's amazing how quickly little ones recover.

Do you have any painting tips? We would love to read about them.


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