Thursday 29 September 2016

A Cardiff Garden in September

Well we didn't get much of a summer in Cardiff this year and now it's officially over. The autumn brings with it warm days and cold nights. Lots of plants are still flowering and many are just starting to turn glorious colours. September is a time of fruits and produce, but not in this garden this year! A cold wet spring and summer have not given us the bountiful fruits of last year. 

picture of pink gladioli

Close up of yellow evening primrose flower with green shield beetle
Evening Primrose with Shield Beetle

Picture of pink Mallow flowers

Picture of pink Osteospermum

Pink and red fuschia against blue sky

Pale pink Schizostylis flowers with rain drops on them
Two butternut squash gourds on wire frame
Butternut Squash

Three peppers, two green one red.
Peron Peppers

Tomatoes, green and red
Picture of deeply divided Acer leaves, some just changing colour from green to red
Acer leaves just changing colour

Maple leaves turning red with blue sky behind
Maple just turning red

Green and very red leaves of Virginia Creeper
Virginia Creeper turning red

Picture of blue dragonfly in cement made from broken tiles
Blue Dragonfly on a step in the Garden
I love the garden in September. I love the changing colours and many of the plants are still flowering.

What is the best thing in your garden this month?


  1. Your garden looks lovely. You could link up to Annie's "How does you garden grow" linky to share your garden and see how other bloggers are getting on. You can find it here: x

    1. Thankyou for the comments and the link. I'll have a look at it. I love the garden but this summer has been so cold and damp that it's all a bit behind.


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