Monday 18 September 2017

Our Weekly Journal 18th Sept 2017 - Conkers and Potty Training


Our Weekly Journal 18th Sept 2017 - Conkers and Potty Training

We have talked about Potty Training with Bear before, but he just wasn't ready. Of all the tips we had been given the most popular was do not force it by starting too early. Wait until they are ready. This is such good advice.
Bears parents started on the Saturday so by Tuesday he was on day four. We wanted to go out while the sun was shining so took the easy option of visiting Tredegar Country Park. It's only a fifteen minute ride away so less opportunity for accidents. We packed his travel potty and buggy, bike, coats, wellies, change of clothes (times two incase of accidents) and filled the boot. Anyone would think we were going away for a week not having a walk in the park.

There are a few Horse Chestnut trees at Tredegar Country Park, next to the library. This year the conkers were really small and the little area of grass covered in dog poo. It was very bad, Bear rode his bike through it and got upset at the poo on the wheels so we stopped. It wouldn't be so bad but there is a bin right next to the area, so no excuse.

Anyway, we didn't want it to ruin our morning so off we went into the park in the sunshine. it was a lovely morning with rain forecast for later. Bear loves the park, he can ride his bike through the big puddles, there's always big puddles here, and then play in the playground.

In the distance is a little boy (Bear) on a bike and riding through the biggest puddle ever, it was like a mini lake.

The stable block at Tredegar House is beautiful and the only part, at the moment, not covered in scaffolding and sheets


There is a lovely little strip of woodland that has tree stumps as stepping stones. Bear loves to walk on these even though most are too high and far apart for him. We wandered through and emerged from the gloom into the bright sunshine. The grass was really long and very damp. As I pushed the buggy through the grass it left tracks, Bear enjoyed riding his bike in circles to make more tracks and I tried writing HELLO, only the H is visible. It wasn't very successful.



Bear making tracks. To his left it is just possible to see the H of HELLO that I tried to write with the buggy wheels

It was all too much like hard work, this playing lark, and Bear fell asleep the car on the way back home. We had left just in time as it rained really hard. I thought the rain on the car, whilst we sat on the drive, would wake him, but he just slept on. Then I worried he would have an accident as he was sleeping, but no, not a drop.

Day four and not one accident.

Bear asleep in the car

We were so lucky with the rain, it started as we travelled home and really rained hard whilst we waited on the drive. The garden still looked pretty, blurred through the rain on the windows.

On Wednesday we had had a delivery of Insy Winsy Weeny Tots to review. These are miniature soft bodied baby dolls. I wasn't sure what Bear would think of them. He loved them. In fact it was a difficult decision for him to stay and play or go to Tots Club, Tots won but only just.
He was great at Tots, singing along with all the songs and doing the actions too.

Day five and no accidents, in fact his mummy said he hadn't had any. Just the occasional little drop when he couldn't get his trousers and pants down quickly enough. We are all very proud of him.


Bear was tired again after Tots, he totally refuses to nap but really needs a short one. We kept close to home and he helped Grandad collect the tomatoes from the green house. He thought this one was funny and loved biting it's "tongue" off. Well that's what he told me it was.


Bear does make me laugh, I was trying to log into a website that is registered in Grandads name. It sent an email with a verification code to his email and he brought it to me written on a post it note. Then Bear brought me one, two three .... stop! I said, thats enough notes. When he had gone home I was tidying up and in the study stuck on the side of the filing cabinet were lots and lots of post it notes, all written on for me.


Bear is still coughing from the cold he got four weeks ago. Both him and Grandad are taking ages for it to go.

He didn't have one accident either. If you are thinking about potty training then I would say just wait until they are ready. You can do it earlier but then they have so many accidents and get so upset by it I don't think its worth the stress. What do you think?



  1. such a well written blog it is. Greatly organized with cohesion. Well supported with pictures to give readers a good sight feast.

  2. Stories like these really make me remember my past, when I was at this age and how my parents would be after me every minute of the day. Parents play such an important role at a young age


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