Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Nightmare of Washington or Goodbye Donald Trump

Nightmare of Washington to be sung loudly and with passion to Fairytale of New York
(My favourite song ever)

Apologies to The Pogues for stealing your song and my bad lyrics xx

It was 20th November babe
In the Whitehouse
When an old man said he'd make the US great again
Then he said his biggest lie
He'd build a great wall
To keep the Mexicans out
That wasn't his last

He got a helping hand
Came in second to Hills
He trashed her name
He doesn't give a damn
So Goodbye Trump
Take Melania with you
We can see a better time
When all our dreams come true

They've got guns as big as cars
They've got riot shields
The fear is real and present
It's no place for you 
When he first took the oath
On a cold November day
He promised them
To make US great again

He's a bully
He's petty
He said storm the City
He told them to fight
He said he was right
The police were encumbered
Security outnumbered
Trump called them special
We watched through the night

The proud boys were singing
Thank you Donald Trump
As the shots were ringing out 
For a new day

He's a bum
He's a lump
He's called Donald Trump
Lying his way through every day
You liar, you narcissist
You self centred racist
Goodbye Donald Trump
Lets hope it's your last

The right wing were singing
Thank you Donald Trump
As the shots were ringing out 
For a new day

He could have been someone
But he became no-one
He took their dreams away
When he took the oath
He promised everything
He just took it for his own
He's now all alone
Playing golf every day

The right wing were singing
Thank you Donald Trump
As the shots were ringing out 
For a new day



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