Sunday, 26 April 2020

46th Wedding Anniversary- Things we didn't do to celebrate

Today is our 46th Wedding Anniversary. The sun is shining and we've stayed at home. We were going to celebrate with something special but a pandemic got in the way - anyway here's a list of things we would liked to have done, but along with my birthday celebrations, they will have to wait for another time.

1. Visit Japan

I would love to visit Japan and see the cherry blossom, it wasn't really planned for this year but is on our list of places to go. This week is Golden Week, Japan has several holidays at this time of the year and everywhere will be busy, and we'd have missed the blossom so not all bad.

2. Visit Amsterdam

We went on our first holiday together to Amsterdam. We camped for a fortnight in August, the weather was great and we had so much fun. I'd love to go back when the tulips are out. Amsterdam has their tulip festival in April.

3. Cruise To See The Northern Lights

Who fancies a cruise? Don't all rush at once. We've never taken a cruise but one to Scandinavia to see the Northern Lights has always sounded fantastic. I'm not so sure we will be cruising in the near future though.

4. Drive The East Coast of USA

It's on my "Would Love To Do" list but I don't feel so good after taking the US presidents advice and shining a torch down my throat whilst bathing in bleach. We'll give this a miss.

5. Weekend Away and Posh Dinner

All the hotels and restaurants are shut. Funnily enough, even when we said we'd stay two metres apart they said no.

6. Have a big party

We are unable to hire a venue, or a disc jockey. No-one can come either.

There is so much we couldn't do. We can't go to a museum, a theatre, the cinema, a concert, a festival, a live gig, a pub, shopping, a drive, a train ride, take a flight, hike up a mountain, walk on a beach or through a wood, watch a sporting event, visit friends and family, have a weekend (or longer) away, visit the hairdressers or a spa, explore a castle or a garden.

Things we can do. Stay Home.

So I've been painting rocks to place on our once a day, local walk while he has been pottering about in the garden.

We are looking forward to a bottle of wine, and a Chinese ready meal later - we certainly know how to celebrate in style.

Stay Home. Stay safe.



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